3-Time Award-Winning Book! 50+ 5-Star Reviews
When Mary Soliel woke up to the reality of synchronicity, she realized we are all constantly graced with meaningful signs, not mere coincidences, through our relationships, nature, numbers, events--basically all things this world is made up of. In I Can See Clearly Now, she shares her twelve-year spiritual odyssey that began with an awareness of these mysterious forces that guide, validate, and help us live our lives. You'll be amazed by her many stories of nearly unbelievable occurrences of perfectly timed, exquisite signs, including those that miraculously and repetitively delivered a monumental message of hope for our future. I Can See Clearly Now will help you:
* Recognize the synchronicities that bless your life.
* Decide for yourself whether ours is a random or deliberate Universe.
* Tap into your intuition to decipher meanings of synchronicities and become a conscious creator.
* Know that your angels want you to call on them for help and guidance.
* Create miracles through gratitude, unconditional love, and forgiveness.
* Release negative self-thoughts that run your life, learn how to heal yourself, and recreate by "choosing again."

Behind our brightest star, the sun, is the New Sun. While it is not truly new, it is new to human beings. Its magnificent force is coming through the sun that we know, and it is creating profound changes within us, individually and collectively. Nothing on earth will go untouched by its unsurpassed power. The New Sun is directly responsible for catapulting us, our world, into the Golden Age, and creating our Heaven on earth.
Love is the new way. The new way of living and being on your Heavenly earth. And what is it that will sustain your new existence in a whole new energy? It is the New Sun. The New Sun will be your food, your fuel, your life source. There is no going back now. You are moving into a new energy and you will never want things to be the way they were. You will move forward into your new world, and it is the most blessed and most exciting journey a human could ever experience.
~ Archangel Michael
The loving messages in this book from Archangel Michael and the author, as well as some Heavenly guest messengers, will lead you to a grander understanding of your life as a pioneer in a golden new age, where you live in a state of love through heart centered living, and in full connection with your very soul. You will see yourself and others as who you really are, and from that new place peace reigns and magic and miracles become the new normal.

Michael's Clarion Call serves as a compelling guide to those who are choosing love during these transformational times, as we move rapidly into the Golden Age. Through messages channeled from Archangel Michael by author Mary Soliel, which evolve into conversations between them, you will learn how to lead from your heart, clear away the old, love and forgive without condition, connect with your angels and synchronicity, and so much more. You will also receive exciting previews of what life will be like as Heaven is created on earth; such as the changes in the body, telepathic abilities, and creating from your soul's desires.
"Reading this book is like getting a huge hug from the heavens! Michael's Clarion Call is filled with wisdom, insights and practical techniques to let life feel easier, more joyful and more prosperous, too. Most of all, this wonderful book is filled with delicious, soothing, nurturing and uplifting love.
~ Sue Elliott, Editor-in-Chief, Law of Attraction Magazine

Behind our brightest star, the sun, is the New Sun. While it is not truly new, it is new to human beings. Its magnificent force is coming through the sun that we know, and it is creating profound changes within us, individually and collectively. Nothing on earth will go untouched by its unsurpassed power. The New Sun is directly responsible for catapulting us, our world, into the Golden Age, and creating our Heaven on earth.
Love is the new way. The new way of living and being on your Heavenly earth. And what is it that will sustain your new existence in a whole new energy? It is the New Sun. The New Sun will be your food, your fuel, your life source. There is no going back now. You are moving into a new energy and you will never want things to be the way they were. You will move forward into your new world, and it is the most blessed and most exciting journey a human could ever experience.
~ Archangel Michael
The loving messages in this book from Archangel Michael and the author, as well as some Heavenly guest messengers, will lead you to a grander understanding of your life as a pioneer in a golden new age, where you live in a state of love through heart centered living, and in full connection with your very soul. You will see yourself and others as who you really are, and from that new place peace reigns and magic and miracles become the new normal.

Behind our brightest star, the sun, is the New Sun. While it is not truly new, it is new to human beings. Its magnificent force is coming through the sun that we know, and it is creating profound changes within us, individually and collectively. Nothing on earth will go untouched by its unsurpassed power. The New Sun is directly responsible for catapulting us, our world, into the Golden Age, and creating our Heaven on earth.
Love is the new way. The new way of living and being on your Heavenly earth. And what is it that will sustain your new existence in a whole new energy? It is the New Sun. The New Sun will be your food, your fuel, your life source. There is no going back now. You are moving into a new energy and you will never want things to be the way they were. You will move forward into your new world, and it is the most blessed and most exciting journey a human could ever experience.
~ Archangel Michael