New Sun Gazing Transmissions
Channeled Divine Energy Through my Eyes to Yours.

"You will channel the light from the golden sun to all who find their way to you."
~ Archangel Michael to Mary Soliel
~ Performing only live event gazes at this time. ~
Live Gazings and Speaking Events:
SEVERAL LIVE GAZES via Zoom, Social Media, Online Live Events 2015 through 2022
IN DENVER, CO September 8, 2018 Following Presentation at the Body Mind Spirit Expo, Booth all day September 7-9
IN ALBUQUERQUE, NM May 19, 2018 All-Day Workshop at Awaken to Wellness
IN LONGMONT, CO April 28, 2018 All-Day Workshop with Special Guest Jeannie Barnes at Vickie Cashman's Healing Center.
IN LOVELAND, CO April 21, 2018 Following Presentation at Body Mind Spirit Expo, Booth all day April 21-22
IN LAKEWOOD, CO August 19 and September 16, 2017 at Full Moon Books & Event Center (Click here for more information)
IN SEDONA, AZ September 18, 2016 at Church of the Golden Age
IN ALBUQUERQUE, NM August 7, 2016 at private speaking event
IN ESTES PARK, CO December 11, 2015 following my speech at a spiritual conference
Past Live Gazings Also in:
On April 21, 2010, Archangel Michael told me that I was preparing, on a higher level, to offer gazes at some point in the future. On July 8, 2013, the time had come. When I simply gazed at some loved ones' pictures with the highest of intentions, and just allowing myself to be a channel, many reported they received instant healing and relief from their physical or emotional symptoms. However, I make absolutely no claims with my work, and let the testimonials speak for themselves. I am only a vessel and the energy that comes through has nothing to do with me and everything to do with Divine Light energy.
Archangel Michael explains how it works.
Once I actually began gazing at loved ones, Archangel Michael described the process that was just beginning to occur:
Think of it this way... Your eyes are a magnet to these rays that are emitted as pulses coming from the New Sun. And you are basically forwarding these pulses of Light into others' eyes. What occurs then is a flash of remembrance of who they really are which brings them into themselves, their true selves...
The New Sun is also known as the Great Central Sun. It is the Sun behind our sun which is responsible for creating our Heaven on earth, and the evolutionary changes we are presently experiencing. It is highly intended that whatever is in your highest interests manifests, which is between you and God. The day my spiritual journey began, on October 2, 1994, a Divine Light came into my right eye. My path slowly and yet purposefully brought me to this point of offering these gazes.
My Angel Team.
I have never gazed alone. With every gaze I call in my Angel Team: Christ, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and of course Archangel Michael. I was clearly guided to request these Divine beings with every gaze. For some time, I did not tell receivers and kept this part private, and yet when I gazed live, many saw me morph into (or saw visions of) these beings, which for me was powerful proof that they are indeed working through me. Some of these experiences are expressed in the testimonials.
A vessel for your highest interests.
When I gaze at your picture (or live if in person at an event), I first get into a meditative state. I see your eyes with Light through my eyes as AA Michael describes. This is how the energy is conveyed to you literally through your picture. I then end the channeled gaze with sending you love and a powerful prayer for your well being. I will email you at the time of completion.
What to expect.
Everyone is different. Most people feel or experience something during or soon after completion of the gaze. It can have a gentle, subtle effect that can translate into something profound as you move further into yourself. Or it may prove to be outwardly and immediately striking, even immediately life changing. Just as with other energetic modalities, some people feel nothing but that does not mean that nothing occurred. With every gaze I have performed I feel the energy transference. Again, please refer to the testimonials to learn about people's wide ranges of reactions to the gaze.
How to request a gaze.
All you need to do is request a gaze below, and then email me at a picture of you that is large enough so that I can see your eyes. There is no need to send me any information outside of your beautiful picture. In fact, I request that I not be told details about your present life situation because I'm merely acting as a vessel for whatever the Divine has in store for you, and not knowing helps me to be a clearer channel. You must be 18 to request and receive a gaze. Also, I ask that if you request a gaze on someone's behalf, please make sure they are in agreement to receive the gaze. Thank you.
I make no claims or promises, and the gazings serve as no substitute for anyone's medical or any health needs, whatsoever. Always see your doctor if you have medical or any health concerns.
~ Performing only live event gazes at this time. ~
What people are saying about the gaze...
Via Facebook Live beginning August 8, 2017:
“Such a shift after gazing this morning. So thankful… no words! It truly is amazing! What a gift!”
~ Debbie W.
“I’ve desired to do this with you for at least 2 years, and it just so happened I sat at the computer and there you were. Heavy tears flowing, such a moving experience.”
~ Kim B.
“Thank you so much for this morning’s gaze, felt so much unconditional love and beauty in my heart!" and on the second gaze that day "I felt so much love and Christ energy come through into my heart on this gaze. Gratitude and love in abundance. Tears of joy!”
~ Jessica S.
“Thank you for the beautiful blessing from the Holy Spirit and Angels moving through you to the participants receiving this pure energy love.”
~ Carol J.
"Mary, I watched last night before bed... and had the best sleep I've had in ages! Thank you much."
~ Mary B.
"I couldn't gaze with you, Mary, but I too had one of the BEST SLEEPS in AGES!!!! I believe the entire World is receiving your LOVING, HEALING GAZES."
~ Cindy H.
Reactions to Live Gazing in New Jersey, October 2013:
"It was the most supernatural experience I have ever had. I felt that my heart was fused to yours and levitating out of my body. I was reduced to surrender; total humility; total submission to the Will of God and the Angels. I know my Guardian Angel's name now. I can deepen that personal relationship and I felt that you delivered a message to me from my deceased loved ones, whether you knew it or not."
~ Annette D. (New Jersey)
"I really responded to the gazing in person! My whole body warmed up, and I felt elated all night in my sleep if that makes any sense. I felt not just peace but elation. Lots of dreams too last night!"
~ Amy C.M. (New Jersey)
Reactions to Live Gazing in NYC, October 2013:
"I received a gazing healing from Mary. I was doing very well on my spiritual path and an event caused me to be thrown off my path. Mary gazed at me and I set my intentions to help guide me back onto my path and for healing. After she gazed at me, I closed my eyes and saw a silhouette of the Mother Mary. I then saw visions showing me a different perspective of what had happened. I felt peace come over me and I began to cry. I felt I was brought to Mary at just the right time for healing and to guide me back on my path."
~ Karen M. (New York City)
"On Sunday, October 6, 2013 I experienced something I've never even thought was possible. I believe it's called a gazing. Mary Soliel (My fav author) invited me and my best friend to see her while she was in New York and she did something that I've never seen. It's a love gazing. She stares into your eyes and sends love and positive energy directly to you. When she gazed at me I was a little nervous initially only because I've never seen or heard of such a thing and I was going first. The first couple of seconds it was hard to maintain the eye contact. Then out of nowhere, I instantly felt relaxed. As the time progressed I began to take deep breaths and ACCEPT the love. Once I did that, my skin began to tingle all over as if the sun was on my skin. You know the feeling when you go into the sunlight for the first time of the day and your hair on your arms stand? Well yea that feeling. The feeling intensified until she was finished (about 3 minutes later). When it was over, I felt relaxed and energized at the same time. It was an exciting but confusing feeling. I've never been so hyped about something yet felt so mellowed out. I'm grateful for that wonderful experience and would definitely love to do it again sometime. A little gazing, lotta love and meditation can go a long way! I love you Mary."
~ Amanda B. (New York City)
"I received a live gazing from Mary Soliel in a group setting at the META Center in Manhattan. Mary came around the room going to each of us individually. While she was gazing at the first person, I could psychically see bright white light beaming from her to the woman but also I saw beams of light coming from behind her. I later realized that those beams of light were coming from light beings behind her. As she came around to other people, I had the impression of Mother Mary in Mary's face like Mother Mary had stepped into her. I could see it in Mary's eyes, her brow and how her hair seemed to be Mother Mary's veil.""As Mary's eyes came to me and settled upon me, I 'saw' loved ones peaking from inside of her eyes and waving at me. Afterwards, I felt like light was bursting out of my head. I had nausea and dizziness descend on me at that time. It eventually subsided. I felt a deep column of peace inside of myself for several days. I still have the sense about life since the gazing that everything will be alright. I have herniations in my neck and sometimes have pain but for a few days after the gazing my neck felt 'golden,' perfect, and the neck pain has not returned.""I would like to have a private gazing at some time. I am very grateful to the Archangel Michael and to Mary for this beautiful gift of healing."
~ Renee R. (New York City)
Reactions to Live Gazing in New Mexico November 2014:
"It was such an amazing experience with you on Saturday. When you did the gazing for me, it was incredible! I focused only on your Left eye. Your face faded around your eye, so that was all I could focus on. I felt myself 'pop' open. I realized that I have been hiding behind my weight for many years and that I no longer needed to do that. I felt myself soaring. I don't know how else to describe it. It was amazing. I did not focus my thoughts on any one thing but rather I just opened myself up to you. When I closed my eyes I clearly saw the outline of Jesus. It was beautiful and peaceful and so amazing. Thank you for a Life Changing experience. I'm looking forward to reading all 3 of your books."
~ Lori M. (New Mexico)
"I so enjoyed the whole afternoon with you and the other participants. The gentle way you presented your material was easy to listen to and follow. I really enjoyed the pictures of the clouds. When I left to go to my next activity, I noticed the clouds as much as I could while driving, and felt the angels were watching and traveling with me."
"I could feel the energy of the gazing even before you came to me. It was very gentle and uplifting. When you came to gaze at me, your face changed appearance. It looked angelic to me. I didn't get the name of any particular angelic being but intuitively knew it was angelic."
~ Sue E. (New Mexico)
"I loved the time we spent together. You are a gentle, loving soul. Thank you for your gaze. It brought me a deep peacefulness. Your work is amazing. You have a sweet, gentle way of presenting your information. May you be blessed in the healing work you do, Mary Soliel."
~ Anna R. (New Mexico)
"My first gazing with you occurred when you first started and it was a distance healing. I was sick that day and I was taking a nap. I awoke briefly to feeling energy moving in my body and I thought 'Wonder if Mary is gazing at me right now?'... Then I thought no, that would not be it and then I woke a while later feeling all better. When I spoke to you later that day you had told me the two times you had gazed at me and those were the times I had awakened. WOW. The second time was last year here in person and your face morphed into Mother Mary. Then Saturday while you were gazing at me, your face morphed many times, and I got that it was Jesus. I felt very peaceful after!"
~ Kathy G. (New Mexico)
Reactions to Live Gazings in Colorado:
"I can't thank you enough for today. I felt so light like I had dropped 50 pounds of things that no longer serve, that I had been carrying with me. I felt joy just bubbling through me. What a miracle worker you are. And by the end of the gaze, I fully saw a vision of Mother Mary, no longer you, before me."
~ Jeannie B. (Colorado)
"I loved participating in your workshop and really felt so great afterward. I noticed after your workshop (after gazing) the attendees looked different, appeared younger, felt 'lighter' and were more relaxed. Thanks Mary!"
~ J. M. (Arizona)
"I wanted to tell you that I slept for 2 days after you did the gazing for me!!!! I really don't sleep since (chemo) treatment so I am so grateful for you sharing your gifts with me!" 2nd gaze just over one week later: "I just got up and around....I was SO TIRED last night... slept all night.... NO STOMACH ACHE (from chemo) for the first time in a week! I keep lying there thinking... nothing hurts... double checked, tripled checked.... nothing hurts!!! THANK YOU!!! You are going to be very popular with this gift!! With immense gratitude and love."
~ Tina H. (Kansas)
"OMG Mary. You and your Sun Gazing are creating miracles! I have been quite sick for months, mostly with a severe lung condition, causing great difficulty in breathing. And I have been exhausted, sleeping hours during the day. I have seen doctors and alternative healers, spending a small fortune on herbs, supplements, acupuncture, massage, etc. Since you gazed the 2 times about four days apart, I have had much more energy & physical stamina. I am breathing more deeply and my lungs feel clear. I went for a long walk yesterday. I could not have done that a week ago. But it is more than that. My mood has uplifted, I am laughing more, I am happy again, with my focus off my lungs, and back on my wonderful life. I feel like me again only better, more joyful. I feel like I am in the Divine flow of life where the possibilities are unlimited and life is magical. You are a blessed pioneer with a new form of healing that is going to be big & so helpful in our new Golden Age. I can feel it in my bones and in my heart! Much gratitude to you dear Mary."
~ Angelita L. (Spain)
“As you know I’ve been up since 3:45 am after mom got up to use the bathroom. On the way back to bed she started to laugh hysterically like I’ve never heard her laugh before in this lifetime!!! I should have known you were gazing at that time!!! We both just laughed together for quite awhile! Pure Bliss & Love LIFTING!!!" (Cindy's Mother has Alzheimers and requested several gazes for both of them)-and-"That beautiful moment in time opened a portal to more acceptance, Love & laughter in OUR LIFE!! She has been attending a respite group for a few months now & prior to the GAZING she would come home & talk about how stupid it felt to dance & do crafts there so she just sat & watched. She also wasn't talking much about making friends.After the GAZING she has arrived home every day with a big smile & a new story about how she loves to dance, about the bird houses she painted for charity fundraising, about her new friend Helen, about the Jazz musician who shares her love of Jazz, about new friends & singing, etc. It just keeps getting BETTER & BETTER. THANK YOU MARY.
~ Cindy H., California
"Thank you Mary, what a lovely birthday gift. He (My husband) said his body is vibrating, like when drunk in the body...haha...x I held his hands and he said he is tingling through his hands, arms, and felt tearful."
~ Jane H. (Spain)
Steve's first 2 gazes:
"I've had two gazes, and the first one catapulted me towards incredible changes. The second one I received last night was to help heal me after the life changes."
Steve's 3rd gaze after intending a job and pain relief:
"Mary - some feedback about the gaze you gave me. My hernia pain is lessened, I have been interviewing at two companies the last 3 weeks and one just gave me an offer on Thursday, the other is flying me to corporate offices in Florida for a final interview Monday and I'm their 'top candidate.' Thank you!"
~ Steve T. (Georgia)
"Mary, you did a gazing for my son a few days ago, with no information about him as requested. I do see a lightening of his being for which I am grateful. You had to get through heavy duty meds and I was so hopeful, and even though I couldn't even tell him about this it has made a wonderful difference. I will be requesting another maybe as early as next month. I am grateful beyond words for your love and light."
~ Lori C. (Rhode Island)
"My head and neck were so sore, as if I needed a neck brace to prop them up! But after your gaze, my head and neck pains are gone!! So thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"Thank you so much for the gaze. It must have really helped because all the symptoms are gone but just a very, very slight headache."
"The gaze totally worked. My head is much clearer.
Eight hours later: I'm actually feeling a lot better and almost no cough! You are an amazing healer!! I still have the cold side effects of nose issues but way better!"
~ Lisa K. (Canada)
Reactions to some of Amber's package of eight gazings requested:
"Thank you, Mary! I felt very tired right around the time of the gazing last week, and I remember saying to my friend 'I'm definitely going to take a nap today...' I've felt a nice boost in alignment with my higher self and I've been maintaining joy with ease, even when those around me are fearful. I love the gazings! I don't think I mentioned that after the first gazing you did for me, a year ago, I had four lucid dreams and an OBE within two weeks, which was so fun and enlightening for me."
"This morning an issue (on an energetic level) that I've been feeling with my employer resolved itself. I thought 'wow, that was a powerful sleep time!' then I checked my email and saw that you had gazed. I'm so grateful for your work and facilitation."
"I notice sweet changes with each gazing, for instance I sometimes have difficulty just being 'me' in conversation with others, and I've noticed a huge increase in my ability to do that right after a gazing. It's really great! What kind of magic can we all create in this world by just bringing our true selves with no barriers to this world? I like to think about that."
"I have felt AMAZING today! Tons of energy, I felt very much myself with much less self-consciousness, and feel like it was easier to make connections with others. Also I felt like I was able to enjoy food more than usual, like I was able to listen to my body better and not worry about whether or not I'm eating the 'wrong' thing for my health or not. Very fun! Thank you for your gazings, Mary! They have been quite a blessing to me."
~ Amber O. (U.S.)
"GOOD NEWS, This morning no blood in urine, no pain, I hope this kidney stone is dissolved! My leg is a bit sensitive, but I am holding the faith it will be completely healed-I do not want surgery, no artificial knee belongs in me! MUCH LOVE AND ABUNDANT THANKS!"
~ Diane C. (New Mexico)
"I will tell you that at the time you were gazing, I became unstuck about an issue that I've struggled with for over a year."
~ Jane D. (Chicago)
"After traveling overseas for almost a month and carrying a heavy backpack everywhere I went I found myself almost crippled with intense lower back pain as soon as I returned home and the adrenaline from my trip was gone. I tried massaging it to no avail until Mary suggested a 'gazing treatment.' I jumped at the opportunity even though we're thousands of miles away as she would only use a photograph to gaze at. Within a few minutes I suddenly felt a warmth all over as if I was being given a 'cosmic hug' and shortly thereafter the pain was simply gone! It has been a couple of weeks since and it never returned! Thank You Mary and Archangel Michael and all of your Divine 'Helpers' for this small miracle!"
~ Elina S.C. (Ohio)
"So just to let you know I am having the best day today... much more uplifted than I've been in a while. Thank you to you and the beautiful angels you work with."
"Good morning. I can't say I felt anything at that time... however I am extremely calm today. My mind isn't racing like it has been. I feel very peaceful. What your healing did for me last time and this time is help me connect more easily with my guides. What a great result! This is so important for me... last time I was home when you did this so I took the opportunity to lay down and just absorb whatever was going to be. I heard so many beautiful messages from the divine and saw so many pictures in my head... I was also instructed to take an Epsom salt bath to help integrate the love/healing you sent. I also remember feeling a small bolt of electricity go down my legs at some point. I could feel warmth all over my body. This time I was at work. When I tune into myself I have a warmth on the back of my neck (still 2 hrs later) and for just a couple of seconds I felt it on my forehead. Your gazes are definitely worthwhile for me. I am going to keep using them to help my ascension process. Thank you for the beautiful gift you share."
"I loved the last eye gazing you did for me. I got an electrical shock up both my legs, but a few minutes apart. Thanks again for the healing. I'm so happy I found you and your work."
"Mary, just wanted to let you know how well I'm doing today. This happened the last time you did a healing on me. I felt a tremendous lift the following day. I'm more optimistic, I'm happy go lucky, my appetite is down, just feeling all around really good. When you first started doing healings on me a while ago I would feel it instantly, now it's like a 24 hour period. You are a blessing. P.S. I'm hooked!"
~ Suzanne D. (USA)
"I woke up last night thinking about you around 3:30 a.m. my time and could not go back to sleep again for about 40 minutes or so... and once I got up for the day, I saw your email telling me that you gazed at me at 3:37 a.m. my time!!"
~ Helen T. (Australia)
"When Mary told me the time she had gazed, I was awe-struck. I was preparing supper, and had looked out the window. Waves of Joy went through my body. I felt SO present, SO alive and SO content, like all was well with the world."
~ Angelita L. (Spain)
"You know when you burn your finger while cooking? And it instantly starts to hurt... and then you run and put the finger under the ice cold water... instant relief... ah it feels so good!!! So if you take the finger away from the water it may still hurt, but then you put it back under the water and it's OK again. And then the finger heals, also because you put it under the ice cold water. It's reassuring that you know the ice cold water is there.
You, Mary, are like this ice cold water that runs over our little burned areas. You're like a balm. You're there, it's up to is if we are going to let go and let the energy you emanate to flow through us...
After the gazing I really felt so much more joyful and blessed and grounded at the same time... wonderful!!!! Thanks, Mary!"
~ Mia M. (Slovenia)
"Awesome Mary! It must have woke me up because that's exactly when I got up! I know because I looked at the clock! Amazing! Thanks so much!" ~ Tiffany E. (Georgia)
"I've woken and felt much lighter, have some energy back and can't stop smiling! It was a long sleep and some much needed switch off and bonding time. I feel like this coming week will be positive in so many ways, nothing specific just a need to make it all count and enjoy each moment. You are truly an inspiration to me, and many others, and I'm thrilled you are able to reach out across the oceans to those who need you! One day my daughter will read your books and I'm sure they will have a new meaning and experience for her, just as magical as today x."
~ Elaine M. (U.K.)
"I'm the one to be doing the thanking, my dear! My problem just kind of faded away after your gazing. I just love what you are doing!"
~ Miguel S. (Spain)
"I really appreciate it. I did feel an increase in my energy level both times you conducted the gaze. Thanks again!"
~ Shereen H. (Canada)
"I think that would explain how I instantly perked up from feeling rather depleted! Thank you!"
~ Pat P. (New Jersey)
"At about the time you were gazing, I felt a strong release of emotions. It just came over me, then a sense of peace. I am soooo grateful Mary. My daughter seems much more peaceful today, she's been laughing more, and her overall look is different, just wanted you to know. Bless you for all you do Mary."
After gazing at her whole family: "I just had to let you know that everyone has been happy and laughing more since the gazing! Especially my daughter. She has been much more relaxed, positive, silly and laughing and like her old self again. I'm so grateful to you Mary! Much Love and Light!!!"
~ Cheryl B. (New Jersey)
"Mary's gazing works! As a healer myself I'm pretty picky about who I ask for healing when I need it. I asked Mary for a gazing three times now and each time she has brought through an immediate healing. Mary is a resource of Divine Light."
~ Lani T. (Hawaii)
"So yesterday when I saw Mary Soliel's new addition of Gazing to her long list of wonderful things she does, I had to sign up for one. I was not feeling well at all in the afternoon so I took a nap. I woke up after feeling some shifts in my physical body and wondered if Mary was gazing at my picture. Then I thought NO, not already, and went back to sleep. When I woke up at about 4:30, and feeling better, I got on my computer and saw 2 emails from Mary. At the exact time I woke the first time, she was indeed gazing at me. She had been directed to gaze at me a second time, which was the time I got up and was feeling better. She is truly an Amazing Gazer, healer, author, channel, Earth Angel, and positive influence on every life she touches! Many Thanks to you Mary, AA Michael, Jesus, and Mary M! Feeling much better today!"
~ Kathy G. (New Mexico)
"I didn't sense anything... Is that normal? (15 minutes later in a separate email... ) Actually as I'm typing this, I feel a warm comfy feeling through my arms, chest, neck, down my legs, and the back of my head. I can't imagine that's my imagination. Almost feels like I'm sitting in a warm bath... very cool! And I have the giggles! I was driving in the car to pick up my son and it came out of nowhere! Life has been a little rocky so it feels good."
~ Sue D. (Connecticut)
"Before this day, I had a 'smaller' vision of how I'd make my living with my Art. It has on this day catapulted into a new view. I have your gaze to thank for it - of this I am certain. I cannot thank you enough for being the catalyst TODAY. Without your gaze, it would have been another trip to do what I hadn't realized I needed to do. I had no idea you had gazed this morning until now when I read the email, and all of this had already happened. Wow, Mary! I KNOW that a casual thought at that time in the morning, which I then dropped, came back like a whirlwind of certainty. I think your gaze planted the seed - stimulated it to manifest - rapidly. It was not in my conscious thinking at all. What an experience!"
"When you notified me immediately of your (second) gaze, I found myself at that very time of the gaze humming Bob Marley's 'Don't you worry 'bout a thing,' and knew that it was a message for me!"
"Your gazes have been reminders, beams of love and light that awaken and activate what I am. In some ways I feel my life is just beginning, Mary. It's like I wasn't all here before."
~ Bin G. (Missouri)
"I had been praying to my angels earlier this morning after reading today's e-course message to change/shift the energy between me and my boss/friend. I've been praying for Michael's invisible shield of protection against all the negative energy she's been giving off and I have been sending her lots of Love and Light. During the time you were gazing at me I was feeling deep gratitude for answered prayer. I was feeling hopeful, blessed, loved and at peace!"
~ Becky S. (New York)
Thank you so much, Mary! Interestingly, it was at that time that I got really tired, went to lay down, and slept hard for an hour & a half; naps like that are quite uncommon for me!
~ Kristin T. (Missouri)
"Your gazing cracked me open like a melon!! I am sure of it."
After several gazes:
Mary this is a truly amazing gift!! You have done several for me as I am working diligently to process many old wounds. What a help its been. The most recent brought almost immediate relief to some pretty intense energies. I am so grateful!!
~ Michelle A. (Florida)
"I can comfortably say that I did feel a lift a sense of lightness - as if a heavy cloud of doubt was lifted from my spirit. Then today I received a call from a boss in charge asking me if I'd be interested in opening a new 'über' building.... I have been torn between staying in NY & seriously moving back to Texas ~ this weight might be lifted as well! Hmmmm So I feel as if some spiritual healing has taken place!"
~ Jeni B. (New York)
"Thank you for providing the answer to my urgent prayer at the time you were gazing. Of course the answer was about angels and synchronicity!"
~ Sue E. (California)
"Must be why I had a perfect vinegar delivery (got help getting 20 gallons into the building) and was then told by my customer that they would like to buy 2,000 pounds of apples at a good price...also at that time I got out of a long drive to Bangor (the person I was to visit rescheduled) and I got to go spend the day at the lake!"
2nd Gaze:
"My friend was singing a Sanskrit prayer/mantra to me--unbeknownst to either of us that Mary was gazing at that very time (until she emailed the time of the gaze as soon as she was done). The translation of the words he sang? 'Eye to Eye'!"
~ Mia M. (Maine)
"I think this is brilliant, Sri Paramahansa Yogananda in The Autobiography of a Yogi mentioned that picture gazing saved his life as a young boy. I wish you great success."
~ Tony C. (Chicago)
Reactions to group gazes held on June 21st and August 8, 2015:
"I felt it!! I hadn't been checking Facebook and, in all honesty, I wasn't confident I knew if your timezone was 1 or 2 hours behind me, but I knew when you were gazing. Each time I've had you gaze I've felt something different, and this time I felt peace just fill me up. Not like a - I'm relaxed peace - but a - everything is so right & exactly how it should be deep peace.
Thank you so much!!!"
"I felt it again but differently this time!!!!!!!!! I was meditating but wasn't sure exactly of the time or when you'd get to me, and then I seriously felt like pressure in my eyes - not negative at all, but noticeable & different for sure! Then a deep remembering that all is so well. Thank you"
~ K.T.
"Was driving... aware that my heart felt overflowing with love. Thought 'this feels like my true self & I haven't felt like this in a long time. Feels like my fears are at last being replaced by my natural loving self. It feels so good to be full of love again. Thank you.' Mare, I thought you were gazing 11-ish. It was not even on my mind. I just felt so grateful to be full of love once more - everything has shifted. I was so stuck in enduring setbacks, that I came to expect them as 'life.' Your loving gaze reminded me, so beautifully & dynamically that I am love. I am so full Mare, & thank you from my deepest heart. You are a gift, such a gift.
~ C.G.
"Morning Mary! It's 4 am here in South Africa and I just woke up and am smiling! Last night, from about 7.30 onwards, a feeling of such comfortable warmth spread over me. My body was relaxed in that contented snug way that is pure Bliss! My heart chakra was wide open, and I 'saw' love emanating from it, like the ripples in a pond, touching the people nearby. I was filled with joy as it kept coming in waves during the evening! How wonderful! What a Blessing you shared with us Mary! May you always be touched with this Divine Love - You are a blessing! Thank you!"
~ E.L.
"Wow Mary! I felt so much love and support. You and your work are a blessing we can appreciate all the time."
~ L.T.
"With gratitude Mary....I was able to take a big deep breath with my ´wheezy´ lungs, that was a blessing."
~ A.L.
"Thanks Mary......I laid down in my bed at 11:11 and I felt something touching/moving my right lower was like someone was there preparing me for your gaze......"
~ K.G.
"A few days ago I felt there was something different, that something had shifted within. Then the next few days I've had this amazing childlike joy -- seems I had an initiation, getting ready for something much bigger ahead ... Thank you again Mary, with your help it brought me through the initiation."
~ N.P.
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